Tuesday, August 31, 2004

It's been a pretty eventfull since I last wrote. This week alone is going to be pretty crazy/sexy/cool. I got a call from John at Lakewood about this Thursday. Apparently the director of ministries, or something like that, is going to be in town and would like to meet with me. I'm waiting for a call back so I can find out exactly when they want to meet. That way I can ask for a certain part of the day off. This Friday I'm playing bass in the Stephen Petree Band. This will be my third gig with them so far, I think. I do play with Steve every Sunday at Overcomers church, though. I either play bass or drums. This Friday I'll be playing bass (my third instrument in the order of experience). The gig is at the Dream Center coffee house. They have a live band every Friday night and I really think we'll be one of the better ones to have played there. I also recieved a call from John at Lakewood (no, that's not his full name) saying that they want to fly me out in September. It looks like I'll be flying out the third weekend at this point. To me, this is a very good sign. I'm excited about the job and I'm also peacful about it at the same time. There are a few factors that are at play in this cornerstone in my life. One of the biggest is my relationship with Danielle. I have to consider how this will affect our relationship. Anna said something to me about long distance relationships and I'll sum up what she said with this: distance either deepens or dissolves a relationship. I really feel for Danielle. Many of her friends are leaving the Dream Center for different reasons within a very close proximity of time. That's got to be hard for her. Everyone she knows is here. I couldn't imagine getting off of work and not having someone to go to after a long day of dealing with crap. I must remember to pray for her. Danielle's family is going to be visiting in October. This is a very good thing. Her two sisters and Dad will be flying in. When her Dad arrives he will, apparently, hug her for a very long time, cry, then hug me. I'm really looking forward to meeting her family. I haven't talked with her Mom yet, but she sounds like a wonderful lady.

Thursday, August 12, 2004

Today I met with John and a few of his associates from Lakewood church. But, let me back up a little bit. I received a phone call from John Wednesday afternoon saying he was going to be in Anaheim that day and Thursday. He wanted to know if I could meet with him while he was down. I told him I would work it out. After talking with Cliff and Craig they agreed I could meet with him Thursday morning at 7:30. There were a few problems associated with this descision. The first was I was doing a shoot Thursday afternoon at 1:30 pm. So that meant I had to get from Anaheim to Los Angeles by at least 12:30. Anaheim to LA is at least 40 minute drive without traffic, which means it's a 1 1/2 hour drive. The other was I would have to get up around 5:30 so that I would be at the hotel to meet John on time. Thankfully my Uncle Kevin lives in Anaheim and was kind enough to let me stay with him on very short notice. In fact, I met up with him at an Angels baseball game. We had a great time. They were very hospitable and it was all good. I arrived at the hotel about 15 minutes late because of traffic and parking (or lack of) at the Marriott. I assumed there would be a standard parking lot. But no, they have to have a parking structure or valet! Insane! So I park and rush to the hotel. They had allready eaten so I ordered a Denver omelet and ate about 5 of the potatoes orgaten. That was it for breakfast for me. I spent my with with John and his three associates talking about the job, my experience and life at Lakewood. In the middle of our conversation we were joined by a guy whose name was Decon I think. The reason I'm confused is because when he introduced himself his last name sounded like a first name so I got the two messed up. I later found out that Decon was the guy that gives the "OK" or "no" for my job. We had a great converstaion. After breakfast John asked if could go with them on their scouting trip. We visited Angels stadium again then "The Pond" in Anaheim. It was kind of strange because I was just in Angels stadium the night before. Weird. At the end of the day they gave me $100 to take care of my expenses going to Anaheim and back. Danielle was also kind enough to lend me $35 the night I had to leave. She also let the seam out of my pants so they were long enough. She is so amazing. All in all I felt really good about the meeting I've had with the guys at Lakewood and am looking forward to seeing what God has in store for me.

Tuesday, August 10, 2004

My girlfriend, Danielle, is awesome by the way.
Over the past few weeks I've been talking with Craig Johnson at Lakewood Community Church. They are looking for a 20 something year old to fill a new position in their media department. The position would involve developing various media "teams" to produce events and videos for the various church functions. This person would work with the Youth and Children's ministries, as well as other ministries. So, I've had two very good conversations with Craig. The first one was to let him know that I heard about the opprotunity. The second was to talk with him and John. John does alot of the media work for the "main" service at the church. We had our second conversation today around 1 pm. John asked me a ton of questions and I answered all of 'em. I told him about my background in media as well as what I'm currently working on. They were both very impressed. As of now, things are looking quite good. They are going to call me later this week and discuss the position a little bit more. If in our next conversation they don't bring up having me come out I'm going to bring it up. I'll pretty much tell them I'd like them to fly me out so I can visit the church and get a feel for the enviroment I'm going into. We'll see what happens. The amazing thing is how awesome God has been through all of this. He's given me peace when I've asked for it and been gracious in my weakness. The hardest part is the WAITING! The waiting is driving me crazy. They'll call me by the end of the week. WHEN!? AHH!! I must know! It'll be ok, though. I have plenty of things to keep me occupied.