It's been far too long since I've written anything on here. I used to really enjoy blogging moments and memories from my life. Now that I write this, I realize that I still do. So let's get started.
The biggest news of all is that Danielle and I are going to be married on April 16th! Last night we went to
Target to register for our wedding. It was an awesome thing because most couples go nuts when they shop together, but not Danielle and I. Her taste matches mine and when I pick something out she very graciously says it's terrible. Just kidding. Be both agree on the things we would like to have in our house 99% of the time.
I do have to admit that when we were scanning in various appliances and such I felt really weird about it. I mean, we were walking around the store basically going "I want that, and get me that.." I know that people want to get you presents for your wedding, but it still felt strange for some reason, wandering around asking for things. Secretly, I do hope we get what we asked for (we really need the stuff). On the other hand, what we were looking at was practical. Kitchen stuff, cleaning stuff, bedroom things. We didn't scan in MP3 players and lava lamps etc. I do have to say that our place is gonna friggin' rock.
Today Danielle registered at Bed Bath & Beyond. So, we'll go gallivanting around BB&B scanning like crazy again. I'm actually looking forward to it because we'll be designing the look of our future place together. Fun stuff.
I've heard some horror stories about wedding planning and wedding processes over the past few weeks from various people. I can't say enough how thankful to God that I am for the blessings in my life and Danielle's life. First of all, my parents have blessed us beyond measure. They've given us way above and beyond what we had expected. If it wasn't for them, we wouldn't have a wedding really.
One amazing thing that happened was on our visit to Atascadero for the weekend a while ago, we secured 95% of the essentials for the wedding. Location, photographer, catering, flowers etc. We got such a hook-up from my buddy at Players restaurant in Atascadero, Glen. He totally came through for us. The location was exactly what she wanted too.
My focus is that during this time Danielle doesn't get too stressed and that everything goes the way she wants it to. I've done enough weddings to know that if the bride, and the mother of the bride, are happy then everyone is happy. But it's also far beyond that for me. I just want her to be happy period. Not for the sake of everyone's enjoyment but so that we truly enjoy each other and the day.
Finally, I've got so much to do before I leave. I have to get my stuff from Atascadero up to LA for the move to Texas. I have to edit as much of the film as I can. I have to register the rest of the stuff for the wedding. Get tuxedos fitted, finish the GCU video for Action House, figure out how the HECK I'm going to afford new auto insurance. It's crazy. At the same time, God has never left or forsaken me. I have never been in want or need. I serve a big God. It's going to be alright.