Tuesday, July 06, 2004

What an amazing month it's been. Danielle and I are "official" and that is a very good thing. She is truly amazing. Imagine dating your best friend. A best friend that never assumes anything, gets upset over stupid things, wants to change you, and likes you for you who are. That's what Danielle is. It seems as if we have done alot of things that can be pretty relationally straining so far. She came to visit my parents. We spent a whole day at Magic Mountain together (I've heard horror stories from couples about theme parks). The thing that I enjoy most about our relationship is that we have very open communication. I can talk with her about anything. I can share with her things that bother me and things that don't. The great part is that she reacts the same way to both situations. She doesn't overreact or get defensive when I talk with her about things that bother me about her or whatever. We've also made the desicion not to kiss. The cool thing is that we decided this seperatly before we even got together. I can be hard at times, but since we are both commited to it, it makes the process easier. We spent the 4th of July at Clay's house. It was great. We even made an orential chicken salad. Everyone loved the salad. Clay and I are working on our second film. The processes has been a slow one, but we are making progress. We'll be meeting tomorrow in the morning to write. We decided to write in the morning becuase we're both exhausted by the end of the day. I've put the interns on a project. They are going to make a thirty second and one minute commercial about a remote controlled car. They have one week or pre-production and four days of production. By the 24th everyone will be done. They have been split up into four groups. I had a good time setting up the groups because each team member has different strengths and weaknesses.

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