Saturday, September 18, 2004

Today we did a "table read" after Clay's acting class. A table read is where you get a bunch of actors together to do a reading of your script. Overall, I'd say it went very well. It was great to hear the dialog going back and forth. Nothing really stuck out at me as being bad, in fact I really enjoyed it. On another note, I've been sick the past three days. My throat has gotten ALL messed up. I'm at the point where I can't really talk at all. Danielle has done and amazing job of taking care of me. She's made tea, gotten me cough drops, and made me feel great when I don't feel so great. The amazing thing about her is that if I'm in a terrible mood I feel better just from being around her. Not only that, but she doesn't even metion the fact that I'm in a nasty mood, she just recognizes it and helps me get through it. Rock!

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