Tuesday, March 08, 2005

I lived in Los Angeles for a total for two years. Nothing ever happened to me or any of my stuff. Monday at 12:30 am we (the Berks and I) pulled up to the house to see my car being broken in to. They didn't get anything of mine but they did get a laptop that belonged to the church. I put it in the car so I wouldn't forget it the next morning. They didn't break into the car for the laptop in the first place, they were going for the stereo. Thankfully we go their license plate #. I haven't heard anything so far about the investigation but hopefully I'll know soon. The wedding is in on month and eight days. I have to figure out honeymoon stuff asap. I hope I can find something nice for Danielle and I. I just want to be with her. I was asked to direct the big Veggie Tales night coming up at the church. I'll be the "Director of Video" for the evening. That means I'll be switching and running all video stuff. It sounds like the sanctuary will be packed out. I think it holds around 3,000 people. I could be wrong. It might be more. I haven't heard anything about going on more tours with the Joel Osteen Ministries tour. I do know that I don't want to get up at 5 am again after working all night. That was lame. I'm pretty close to finishing an animation for the Kids ministry at the church. I'm also getting a good idea for the LSM opener video. I'm just frustrated that I don't get things done faster or better (in my opinon). I know years down the road it'll look alot different but for now it's frustrating. I hope I don't have to pay for the laptop that got stolen. They guys at Lakewood told me today that it costs around $2,500. We'll see what happens. Until then, I'm going to call my insurance agency and up the coverage on my car. I wish Danielle was here. I just know that things would be easier if she was around while I was going through all this crap. She's going through crap of her own right now, though. She has to find a way to transport her stuff into Latecias house. It sounds like Action House is going to help out, but we'll see. I also have to think about how we're going to get her stuff out here once we move in to the apartment. Gah!


Danielle Potter said...

Hi Baby:)
I wanted to thank you for talking to me last night about what you are going through. I have to say that I am so blown away at your incredible ability to see yourself & be real! You are the most amazing person I have ever met & I love you more than I ever thought I could! We will be fine, & I know that God will work all of this stuff out.
I want you to know that I am so thankful for you & you bless me more than you know. You have taught me so much about how to communicate & what it means to be real & honest. I cherish & love you so much Brian!


The Roach said...

Dude tell me about it!!!! I lived in L.A. for a couple of years and nothing ever happened to my car. I moved to Sweden SWEDEN!!! and my car gets TORCHED!!!! no joke man. Keep us posted on what is going to happen with the laptop. I'll poray for ya.
