Monday, September 01, 2003

So, sad times today. Justin called and told me that we have offically stopped production of the "Lackey Movie". I think I'll put together some clips of the stuff we've shot so far just for fun. One day we'll finish it. Until then, good news! We are ressurecting "Santiago's Sketch Comedy Squad"! SSCS was a group we had put together for an outreach night the church did. Good times, awesome sketches. Now, we have some equipment to work with and a much better understanding of how to shoot stuff. Lackey was a steep learning curve. Also, I told myself just yesterday that after Lackey was done I was going to ship off to film school. Well, Lackey is done and now I just have to wait for my play. After my play, I'm going to film school. Unless God wants me somewhere else. -BRiAN

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