Sunday, April 06, 2003

my problem

    So, I found out what my problem is. It's downtime. The time that I have where I really don't have any plans or important things to do. There are always things to do. For example, I have a sink and counter full of dishes behind me, a living room that's messy, my room that has more clothes than carpet, and a car that could use a wash. Instead of spending my "free time" drawing closer to God, or doing my chores I spend it in stupid or sinful ways. I realized this while going to the bathroom.. I realize a lot of things in the bathroom. I was there and thinking to myself:

"After this shower, I really don't have anything to do."

It's not really that there is a lack of things to do, it's a lack of things I want to do. This area of my life is driving me nuts. The more I think about it the more frustrated I get with myself. Frustrated with my lack of motivation, responsibility, and maturity. It's true that when you have learned to take care of your things God grants you greater things to take care of because you have been a good steward of what He has given you. Awesome thought if it's put into proper practice. So I'm gonna finish this now and go do some things that need to be done for the sake of doing them. The importance of a bathroom in a persons house is vastly overlooked.


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