Tuesday, May 04, 2004

    What a way to start the day! I had rehersal with Stephen and the band last night because we played at a Christian High School this morning. For my first time playing with the band, we had a crowd of about 1,100 students. Every grade from Junior High up to High School. I had a great time, and did pretty well considering I learned the music just the night before. We played six songs back to back. After we finished playing, kids came up and asked me to sign on Stephen's CD, this was a weird thing for me. Such a cool experience. The weird thing was we were "it" for the high school's chapel. Meaning, we played then chapel was over. We thought there was going to be someone coming up to say something, but he just came up and said "Ok guys, thanks for coming let's head off to class. Be sure to say thanks to Stephen and his band." We're also going to play on the 23rd at Stephen's church. It's going to be a full on rock 'n roll show.     Yesterday I went to the Foursquare Media office to finish the Life Pacific College commercial. I did the rest of the VO's and headed on my merry way. I really hope I'll do some more work with them in the future.     Before I take a break to visit home for a few days, I have to get some of the DOVE award shows out, which should be a challenge, but not much of a problem. Apparently, John Ineno is brining over like seven Beta decks for Action House to use. That means we can get the show dubbed off in half the time. No more super long dubbing sessions. Praise God.     I met with one of the interns yesterday. He's pretty much taking over alot of what Billy did. The great thing is that we've asked each other to help keep ourselves accountable. We're going to meet on Sunday evenings and pray, as well as check up during the week. I think God is going to start some really awesome stuff. We've been talking about prophecy and healing, because we feel God has laid it on our hearts. This intern is from South Africa and has had the privelege to be used by God to prophecy and heal people. I can't wait to see what God has for me.     I spent a good two hours on Monday worshipping and praying. I had such a hunger for God after I had met with my accountability partner. It was awesome to take some time out of my day to connect with God and get into his presence. He's making a change in my heart.

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