Wednesday, April 28, 2004

So many exciting things for me to write down so I can remember them later!       I'm in Nashville right now at the Dove Awards (now known as the Gospel Music Associate Awards). We are on our last day of shooting and it's been an exciting and sometimes frustrating ride. Before I write about my time at the doves I want to talk about events leading up to it.         A few days before I left for Nashville Lars and I auditioned for a role over at FourSquare Media. It was for the part of "Jonathan Allen" the host of a tour of Life Pacific Bible College. I felt I did pretty well with the delivery of my first line, but I botched up the second paragraph. It was a first Audition for Lars, which was pretty exciting. I think Lars has amazing potential and will make it really big someday. Regardless, we left and I almost forgot about the audition until I got a call back about two days later. They told me that I got the part and they were going to pay me $300 for the shoot! Although that sounds like a quite a bit for a few hours of work, it's actually really low for this kind of job. One snag was the shoot was on the 28th (today) and I wasn't getting back from Nashville until the 30th. Well, I informed Sally about the problem and she was frustrated like I was, but helped me make the nessicary changes. It cost $100 to change the ticket and that set me back a bit. Sally got on the phone with the people from FourSquare Media and had them cover the cost of the plane ticket, I was so stoked!         So I head off to Nashville and I'm doin' my thing when I get a phone call that they changed the shoot again to the 30th (which is the day I get back from Nashville). So I tell them all the flight info and they go ahead and change the flight again for me and cover the cost. How awesome is that? The cool thing is that I had recently gotten my car towed and the amount they are paying me covers the cost of the tow, I serve a very big God.         Now, I'm in Nashville at the Holiday Inn Express waiting to interview Jill Paquette. When we are done with her we'll probbably do another interview or something then head off to the Awards ceremony to shoot all kinds of backstage stuff. If I remember correctly, Michelle Williams will be co-hosting with Sally this year so that'll be a blast.         Last night we went to BB King's to see (to name a few), Toby Mac, Rachel Lampa, Natalie Grant, Michelle Williams (who was AMAZING), and this awesome jazz group. Today we interviewed "By The Tree" in the hotel lobby at 9:30 am. After we had finished the interview one of the guys said "So, you want to make our music video?" Which was kind of a shock to me because when she was talking about it I was playing around with her and pointing at myself as if to say "Drop my name, yo!" Because they don't have a video yet. For a group to have four CD's out and no music video is no good. So, when I get back I'm going to listen to some of their music and pick a song to do, or maybe get in contact with them and start talking about what song they may be interested in. I hope that works out. I also got to see Eric Welch (he directs music videos and I admire some of the work he's done). I talke with him and told him about the movie I shot with Action House. He gave me his contact info and asked me to send it to him.         This year we brought a lighting kit, boom mic, two cameras, wired lavs and plenty of tape, so it's been nice working with all this equipment.         That's enough for now, I'll write some more later.

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