Saturday, January 31, 2004

Film festival update! SO much has happened. For a good two days I couldn't get an idea. TWO DAYS! It drove me nuts. Finally, while sitting at dinner with Jess, Josh and myself we came up with something. I wrote a script in a matter of hours and presented it to Clay and Lars. They loved it, but there was one problem. The script called for a kid as a character. It was brought to my attention that it's darn near impossible to find a kid that we need, then it's darn near impossible to direct him. So, no big deal. After all the agonizing over a script then finally getting this incredible story, we just have to start all over! FINE! AHH. Actually, things turned out better than I expected. We did come up with a new idea. This time we wrote around the resources we had. We cleaned it up. Wrote, rewrote, condensed, and rewrote ad. Infinitum. So, now we have a new script. Tonight I write it. What's it about? A thing. heh. I'll give this: It's called "Fatal Illusion" -BRiAN

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