Wednesday, January 28, 2004

Well, tonight is the big night. Myself, Craig, Billy, Pastor Manny, Clay, Cliff and hopefully Lars if he's feeling better, are going to Bel Air Presbetirian to get our scripture verse and theme. I think I'll call Carly and ask her to post what they are tonight. I could hardly sleep last night, it was like the night before Christmas.. in January. One thing that was on my mind was the same thing that plagued me as I thought about film school. What if I can't live up to what I think my creative potential is? What if I get the verse and theme tonight and I draw a blank. I expect that to happen at first, but what if I can't carry the vision once we have an idea. The cool thing about this whole process, though, is that God is in control. Also, the word of God is living and active. Which means I'll have a little squirming baby piece of scripture to work with and help to grow into an intersting film. Plus, we're not doing this for money or fame, we're doing it to give glory and honor to God. -BRiAN

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