Saturday, March 13, 2004

I got my tire reparied today. It took freakin' long enough me to get around to it. The sad thing is that I had the stupid key for the special lugs the whole time! I was in the middle of getting the new ones put on when I was looking through the glove box and there it was, the key. So, they let me put the old ones on and didn't charge for the new ones they were going to put on. So I have my car now. Yesterday I went with Action House to the LA Convention center. We're performing at an expo there. Apparently they have seating for around 8,000 or so people. Not even half that many showed up yesterday. Billy, myself and MZ were going to freestyle rap during the event but the Action House segment was on a time crunch so they cut us out. It was alright because I ended up running communications with Matt in the production truck. Good times. Tonight Sally invited me and Rick to go to a hip-hop/R&B concert. It's suppoused to be pretty cool, so that should be fun. I invited Shannon to goto the Getty on Monday, we'll see what she says. We haven't put it in concrete yet. I hope she says yes :) -BRiAN

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