Sunday, March 09, 2003

Jeff had some friends over last night. We got all crazy and played "nickle poker". I'm pretty sure I came out on top, but I'm not sure. It's funny when you get in that party atmosphere, you don't have to even drink to feel "drunk". I think there's a group drunk thing that goes on. Not very descriptive, but if you've been there you know what I mean. I love having people over but here's the hard part, couples come over. Luckly Jeff's friends that are couples don't really get all lovey.. but when I have my friends over they can't do anything BUT be all happy together (the couples I mean). I don't want to sound pathetic or bitter but seeing them together so happy drives me nuts (aka " I feel 'lonley' "). I thought that after being single for about three years I was doin' ok, but sometimes is just hits you, know what I mean?

I put in my application to Players at the beginning of the week and I'm going to go back on Tuesday to chek up on it. Current financial situation: Broke! Woo! I'm not going to let that get me down (I try not to let anything get me down) God's in control and I'm at peace. I'm blessed to have parents that are willing to help me :). Cool things happening with my sister, she's really coming around to God. It's encouraging to see her so happy again. She's not "alien possesed", as my mom used to say, anymore.

Our iterm Pastor at the church left today. Next Sunday will be the first sunday with our new pastor. I had to opprotunity to show him some houses and he's a great guy. Which remindes me of a funny story. We were looking at a condo with Pastor Kasey and we went upstairs. I wasn't sure if he smelled it, but I walked through what must have been the remnatns of a big 'ol cloud of weed smoke. I mean, these people had some STANKY ganja! Well, we got back in the car and Pastor Kasey was like "Did you smell that weed?!" I almost peed myself I laughed so hard. I'm pretty sure he used to get pretty lit (he had a "Say Yes To Pot" shirt on). I think I'm gonna keep my eye on him.


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