Sunday, March 16, 2003

    What an eventful past few days! Beth came by again on Friday to go running. I had gone to bed pretty late and taken some muscle relaxants so my neck wouldn't hurt. I was out like George Bush chasing a midget in a cowboy suit. Needless to say, it took an act of God to wake me up. When Beth came she apparently called my cell, knocked on the windows, lit my bed on fire etc etc. Finally, I mustered enough will power to hoist my coagulated self outta bed. I had an AWESOME time running around the lake!! After the inital pain I really got into a rythm and ran ALL THE WAY AROUND THE LAKE! Woo! Moving on..

    So Jeff hid the digital camera. This allows me to start the "Things I'm Learning About Jeff" list. Number one, Jeff hides something if he doesn't want you to use it. No "Hey, don't use this." He just hides it. Don't get me wrong, this doesn't bother me I think it's awesome. He's not really a confrontational kind of guy and neither am I, so it's all good. Last night Jeff, Chris and I went over to Chris's house for some BBQ and work! We're working on the Central Coast Business Works website. Things are really coming along (however slowly).

     I'll be honest, I'm really starting to realize how much weight is on my shoulders. Last night I was driving home from Chris's house with Jeff and we had a little converstaion:

"I never realized this, but I have so much hanging over my head" I said.

"Yeah." Jeff replied.

"I mean, I have my rent, car payment, broken car, four jobs! I'm only 21! This isn't right" I said.

"Yeah." Jeff relplied.

    What would I do without the guy. As I went to sleep, I had this overwhelming panicky feeling. I don't know if this happens to you, but last night I was laying in bed and I realized my face was totally tense. The eyebrows were scrunched together, my nose was wrinkled up, my cheeks were tight. My whole face just hurt. So I relaxed and a few minutes later the same thing happened. About that time I threw my hands up in the air and just began to pray. I almost wept I was so frustrated and overwhelmed. At one point God just shut me up and I lay there. He really did just shut me up, I was praying and then I just stopped and shut my eyes and began to breathe. I felt my body relax and the arms of God holding me. I was so afraid, but that's because I haven't been resting in his arms for so long. Everything isn't perfect or anything but it's awesome to place your head on the chest of God and rest in His arms.


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